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Permanent Makeup – What is it?Permanent cosmetic makeup is cosmetic tattooing. The techniques used for permanent cosmetics are often referred to as “micropigmentation.” Pigment is deposited into the upper layer of the dermis.
How are Permanent Cosmetic Procedures Performed?Permanent cosmetics procedures are performed using various devices, including the traditional tattoo coil machines, the pen or rotary machine. The process includes a consultation, the application of pigment, and at least one or more follow up visits for evaluating the healed design work and color of the pigment.
Who Benefits from Permanent Makeup?Anyone 18 and over that has the ability to heal properly from minor wounds can benefit from the benefits of permanent cosmetics. Interest in this service spans from the young to the more mature; those who desire a soft, natural enhancement to their appearance. It can be especially valuable to people who can’t wear traditional cosmetics due to allergies and skin sensitivities; active people who want to look their best for sports activities; and those who don’t want to worry about “sweating off” or reapplying cosmetics. Permanent Cosmetics can also benefit individuals with vision challenges, those who have difficulty applying their cosmetics; and others with dexterity related conditions such as arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke survivors, and busy people who don’t have time to spend applying and refreshing makeup throughout the day.
What Type of Permanent Cosmetic Procedures can be Done?Permanent Cosmetic procedures can be very subtle or dramatic depending on what you are looking for. The most popular options include: Eyebrows Eyeliner, Top and Bottom, and lash enhancement Lipliner, Lip Color, and Blend Beauty Marks, Scar Camouflage, Hair imitation, and Areola Repigmentation NOTE: Some of these procedures use more advanced techniques (para-medical techniques) and thus require an experienced technician with advanced training.
Are Permanent Cosmetics Really Permanent?Permanent cosmetics procedures are considered permanent because pigment is tattooed into the upper part of the dermal layer of the skin and cannot be washed off. However, as with any tattoo or colorant (pigment) in general, fading can and often does occur, requiring periodic maintenance referred to as color re-enhancement or color refreshing. The scientific structure of pigments and the requirement for periodic refreshing is identical to that of tinted hair color; house paint that is exposed to the sun and other environmental elements; pigment implanted into the skin may fade with time. Periodic maintenance is a good opportunity to reevaluate one’s color and design preferences. While the concept of permanent, without any change, may seem like a good idea, think about how your tastes have changed over the years. It’s likely you have made subtle or dramatic changes in your clothing preferences, your hair color and style, and your makeup. The fact that most people will require periodic color refreshing of their permanent cosmetics is the opportune time to work with your technician and reevaluate your overall appearance. Speak with your Technician and determine if any changes are wanted and appropriate. Longevity varies from person to person depending on their life style (sun exposure), the color(s) used for the permanent cosmetic procedure, and are also thought to be affected by topical products applied to the skin.
How Much does Permanent Makeup Cost?The average cost per procedure varies but usually averages between $400-$800. Advanced work may be charged at $150 to $250 per hour. Many of these procedures are commonly referred to as para-medical procedures. The cost of the procedure should not be the most important issue when consulting a potential permanent cosmetic professional. Most important is the training and skill of the person performing the procedure and the confidence of the client in that skill.
How Long Does Each Procedure Take?The initial procedure will generally take approximately two to three hours; there are records to establish; photographs to take; desired design and color to discuss; the procedure to perform; and the aftercare requirements to discuss. Follow up or color refresher procedures usually do not require the same amount of time.
Is It Painful?Most people experience some discomfort. This will vary according to each individual’s pain threshold. To help with discomfort management, topical anesthetics that are specifically developed for our industry are used. To put this in perspective, thousands of body art tattoos are performed annually, possibly millions. As a rule, traditional tattoo professionals do not use any anesthetics. Anesthetics for permanent cosmetics are more of a tattoo service luxury because of the nature of the tattoo location and the fact that permanent cosmetics falls into the beauty treatment category.
What If I Don’t Like It?Although the procedure is considered permanent, these procedures do have flexibility in changing color and shape to some extent, depending on the expertise of your technician. Colors will appear darker immediately following the procedure but will soften and lighten during the healing process. The healing time is different for each individual and procedure. It’s very important to realize that the new procedure takes time to become acclimated to. Be patient. After the procedure has healed, and you are able to make an informed decision about the healed version of the procedure, the only reason you should not like your permanent cosmetics is if you chose a technician who did not work with you on design and color. Well-trained technicians will not perform a procedure if the design and/or color requested by the client is not reasonable. If your requests are turned down by one or more technicians, re-think what you are asking for. Permanent cosmetics are not easily removed. Make good decisions up front. You can enjoy the liberation permanent cosmetics provides when you do your research and choose a qualified professional that you work well with.
Are There Any Side Effects During or After the Procedure?While eyebrows may show little after effect, eyeliner and lips may show slight to moderate swelling. This is very dependent upon the amount of work performed. For examples; an eyelash enhancement will show very little response to the tattooing procedure compared to a more moderate response when wide eyeliner is performed. The same philosophy applies to lip color procedures. A lip liner or blended lip liner will show less effects than that of a full lip color. Also, some people swell more from minor skin infractions than others. During the procedure there may be some minor bleeding. This again, is client specific. Many people take blood thinners on a daily basis so some slight bleeding would be expected. Others show little or no signs of bleeding. Bruising is rare, but could occur. More common is that eyebrows rarely if ever produce any bruising; minor bruising during eyeliner procedures is possible if the skin being tattooed is very thin and close to the vascular system. This also applies to lip procedures in the event the client is more mature. If bruising does occur, typically it is minor and subsides in a few days. There may be some tenderness for a few days. Side effects are difficult to determine due to the individuality of each person’s biological system. This is why professional permanent cosmetic technicians require a client history profile be filled out to assess different factors that may contribute to your experience after the tattooing procedure has been completed.
Do The Pigments Pose Allergy Problems?People can develop an allergy to anything. However, pigment allergies are considered rare.
Is There Any Possibility for Medical Problems?The possibility that you would have any problems or reactions from these procedures is almost non-existent with today’s health standards. Post procedural instructions, if followed carefully, will greatly reduce any risk. Medical problems associated with permanent cosmetics are often linked to poor attention to the required aftercare process on behalf of the client. Always follow the simple, but very important after care instructions.
What’s a Touch-Up and Do I Need One?Often the tattooed color is not perfect after the initial procedure heals. Permanent cosmetic procedures are a process and at least one follow-up to the initial procedure should be scheduled. It is recommended that any required detail work to the original procedure be performed no sooner than four weeks after the original procedure. The minimum standard for follow-up detail work for lip procedures is six weeks. Lips have a different healing agenda than procedures performed on other parts of the face due to their delicate nature. The time frames will vary depending on the health profile and age of the client, but these are good minimum standards for consideration.
Can I Still Have an MRI Scan?Numerous studies have shown that even for people who have large body tattoos there is little to no potential for irritation resulting from an MRI. In the rare instance where discomfort resulted, it was localized and very temporary. However, with that said, it is prudent to advise your MRI technician that you have permanent cosmetics.
Things to KnowKeep in mind that some of these procedures will need to be repeated because the original application can fade anywhere from 25% to 65%. Individual chemical and genetic makeup can affect the final result. Please remember that the amount of pigment you retain or lose after your initial application is not a reflection of the quality of work. You may need a doctor’s permission to move forward with a procedure if any of the following apply to you If you are on any medications for a serious medical condition, or if you have any allergies to pigments or dyes. You are pregnant. If you have received Botox or filler within the last month. If you have ever had a cold sore or fever blister and are interested in LIP treatment, then you MUST get a prescription from your doctor. Request enough for a total of 2 or 3 procedures. Typically, the regimen to follow would be to start taking the medications 3-4 days prior, during, and after your procedure. If you have had any type of eye surgery, consult with the physician about how long you should wait before having a permanent eyeliner procedure.
Before Your ProcedureDiscontinue vitamin A / retinol products 3 weeks prior to your procedure Do not have Botox within 2 weeks prior to your procedure 1 WEEK PRIOR TO PROCEDURE Do not tweeze, wax or perform electrolysis on the area to be treated. Do not take fish oil or vitamin E which are natural blood thinners 3 days before procedure. Do not tint your eyebrows within 2 days of procedure. Do not tint or perm your eyelashes. NOTE: To avoid excessive bleeding & poor color deposit Do not drink alcohol 24 – 48 hours before procedure. Do not consume coffee before your procedure (causes more bleeding and increases anxiety). Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen for pain relief (this thins the blood). Tylenol is safe to use THE DAY OF YOUR PROCEDURE Do not work out. Do not take any blood thinners such as aspirin, Ibuprofen, caffeine, multi-vitamins, or omega fish oil supplements. Try not to consume coffee, kale or spinach a day before your procedure Antihistamines, like Benadryl, taken before the procedure may reduce swelling and help you relax if you have anxiety. Please remove all makeup, lotions, and tanners on the area to be treated. Clothing Please do not wear good clothes for the procedure. Pigment may splatter on them. Pigment generally washes out, but it is not guaranteed. Wear something comfortable. Special Note: Benadryl taken one hour before eyeliner procedures helps the eyes to waterless during eyeliner procedures. Watery eyes can dilute the pigment. Wear your prescription glasses. Contact lenses must be removed before procedure and cannot be used for 24 hours after procedure. Bring sunglasses. Your eyes may be sensitive to the light. Bring someone along to drive you home from your appointment in case your eyes swell and become too sensitive. SCHEDULING AN APPOINTMENT DATE Keep in mind the healing time of the procedure. Do NOT have travel plans for the next week following your treatment. Consider the area to be an open wound.
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